
Big shoes to fill at eBay

Saturday, June 4, 2005 There are often odd, unusual and controversial items up for sale on eBay – multi-million euro planes, the Pope’s old car and a young woman’s virginity, to name just a few. But how about the Prime Minister’s shoes? Shoes custom designed for former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher have been put […]


ACLU, EFF challenging US ‘secret’ court orders seeking Twitter data

Thursday, April 7, 2011 Late last month, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed objections to the United States Government’s ‘secret’ attempts to obtain Twitter account information relating to WikiLeaks. The ACLU and EFF cite First and Fourth amendment issues as overriding reasons to overturn government attempts to keep their […]


Pet parrot saves owners’ lives

Tuesday, October 23, 2007 It turns out that dogs may not be the only ‘man’s best friend.’ A parrot in Muncie, Indiana is being credited with saving the lives of its owners. According to the owner 33-year-old Shannon Conwell along with his 9-year-old son were watching television when they both fell asleep on the living […]


U.S. Democrats highlight water quality issues for troops in Iraq

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 According to former employees of the Halliburton subsidiary KBR and internal company documents, coalition troops at a U.S. military base in Iraq may have been exposed to contaminated water and the company purportedly blocked efforts to alert the U.S. military. “We exposed a base camp population (military and civilian) to a […]


Rattan Furniture}

Submitted by: Cheryl Groves Your garden is one part of the house where you can relax and have fun with your entire family. It is also important to put as much attention into your garden as you give to the other parts of the house, when it comes to decorating it for aesthetic and functional […]


US unemployment rate remains unchanged at 9.5% in July

Sunday, August 8, 2010 The United States unemployment rate remained unchanged at a high 9.5% as employers and companies remained nervous about hiring new workers and the public sector laid off 143,000 temporary 2010 US Census workers during July. State and local governments, facing major budget deficits, also laid off many people. Overall, the 131,000 […]


SpaceX scrubs Falcon I rocket launch

Monday, November 28, 2005 SpaceX called off the much-delayed inaugural launch of their new Falcon 1 rocket on Saturday from Kwajalein’s Omelek Island launch site. The intent was to launch the U.S. Air Force Academy’s FalconSat 2 satellite, which will monitor plasma interactions with the Earth’s upper atmosphere and magnetosphere. The launch was delayed, then […]

Permaculture Magazine

Develop An Effective Social Media Marketing Strategies And Get Potential Clients

Develop an effective social Media Marketing strategies and get potential clients by Mentors HouseJust posting blogs, articles, liking or sharing is not enough to be successful in social media. You have to make a strategy for being successful in social media marketing. Following are the strategies that must follow in social media marketing: Identify the […]